Hydrangeas Wedding Flowers. Bouquet with Peonies, Astilbe, Roses, Hydrangeas and Scabiosa. Order Hydrangeas for Your Event Directly From Grower!
The most common garden hydrangea shrub is the Bigleaf variety, Hydrangea macrophylla. (See more below.) Bigleaf (H. macrophylla), Oakleaf (H. quercifolia), Mountain (H. serrata), and Climbing hydrangeas (H. anomala subsp. petiolaris) are pruned AFTER the flowers fade in the summer.
Much like roses, hydrangeas can also be tinted to match any color scheme or style.
Hydrangeas also come in a wide variety of colors, including pink, blue, white, lavender and rose. Always On Time, Farm Direct Delivery. By: Kristen O'Gorman Klein Blue seems to be the colour choice of the moment in our real wedding articles.
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