My Little Pony Wedding Flower Fillies. Set the date for a big wedding and get your APPLE BLOOM, SWEETIE BELLE and SCOOTALOO pony figures all ready for the special day! I mean, I don't want to brag, but we look totes amazing with our flower filly dresses!~ I so totally love wearing inner beauty on the sleeve.

My Little Pony Twilight Sparkle Pendant.
The latest addition to the "officially out" pile is the flower fillies set- it's really the same thing as the pony school pals… same exact fillies, minus Cheerilee but with cute dresses!
I mean, I don't want to brag, but we look totes amazing with our flower filly dresses!~ I so totally love wearing inner beauty on the sleeve. Set the date for a big wedding and get your APPLE BLOOM, SWEETIE BELLE and SCOOTALOO pony figures all ready for the special day! Sweetie Drops, or Bon Bon, is a female Earth pony with a beige coat, pigment blue mane with a rose pink streak, cerulean eyes, and a cutie mark of three objects which are identified by Little, Brown's Mini Pony Collector's Guide and Gameloft's mobile game respectively as three candies and as three bows.
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